Orgullosos de contar con los mejores profesionales, nuestra prioridad es ofrecer un excelente trato humano directo y accesible.     Aquí podréis encontrar fotos, videos y alguna información de nuestras actividades, estaremos encantados de escucharte, enseñando aprendemos!
Francisco Nícolas   Coordinador Deportivo   Maestro Entrenador Nacional de Judo   Especialista en Katas   Experto en Defensa Personal   7º DAN de judo
Tibor Kozma   Experto en Defensa Personal y Especialista en Defensa Personal Femenina   Maestro Entrenador Nacional de Judo   7º DAN de judo
David Afuera   Entrenador judo 5º DAN de judo Masajista deportivo
Nuno Afonso Gonzalez Graduado en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte, Mención Salud. Monitor de judo 3º DAN de judo
Cristina Rodriguez Martín Monitora de judo 3º DAN de judo
Javier Redondo Medina Monitor de judo 3º DAN de judo
teléfono +34 6303055508705 - (tardes desde las 16h hasta las 21h) email


  1. I have practiced Judo in the late 80s early 90s , unfortunately my club closed so I never reached a high level but judo stayed in my blood , I have practiced other sports afterwards but always thought to go back to Judo. Now , 30 years later and in my mid 40s I am back on the mats doing Judo and BJJ and loving every second of it and I have to say that the reason I always missed Judo was my old Sensei , Kozma Tibor my old Judo professor . I lost contact with him for many years and just by chance ( looking up judo techniques on the internet ) I stumbled upon his name. I wrote him an e mail and we reconnected . I have to say I was lucky and privileged to have him as a coach, after so many years I found the same serious , professional and modest man I knew so many years ago ( a true martial artist). Thank you Sensei Tibi ( that s how we use to call him) for instilling in me the love for the greatest art : JUDO.


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